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Instagram announces new feature - Scheduling for social media

Instagram Announces That It Will Roll Out Some New Features Including Scheduling Tools.

Head of Instagram Adam Mosseri has announced some new features will be coming to Instagram. Not currently live, they will be rolling out an in-app scheduling tool for Instagram accounts. It will allow creators to schedule their posts in advanced (up to 75 days ahead) without the need for third-party tools.

This is useful, especially for small to medium sized businesses, as it will allow you to prep your posts for the week or month in advance. We usually recommend small business to do this as it allows you to plan in advance rather than rushing to put up a last minute post.

Instagram said the tool will be coming to 'creators', so we will see which account types will actually be eligible to use this feature.

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"The first is, for all you creators out there, scheduled posts" – Adam Mosseri, Head of Instagram

Make sure that your Instagram app is up to date, and look out for an app update coming soon.

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